Friday, October 24, 2008

The ABC’s of the Science Textbook

The Science Textbook: Do you find yourself overwhelmed when reading your science text? Is your textbook intimidating? Try these ABC’s of reading Science to help you.

Before Reading: Before Reading don’t just begin reading the first paragraph. Think about what you already know about the subject. Make predictions Make a plan for finding out information

“A” Set a Purpose: “A” Set a Purpose Turn the title or main heading into a question. Look to see if the first page includes a list of objectives or goals. Set your purpose based on subheadings or key terms listed on the first page.

“B” Preview: “B” Preview after you have determined your purpose previews the chapter. Get an idea of what you will be reading before you begin. Look at the following “Preview Checklist” for help as you glance over the pages.

Preview Checklist :Preview Checklist The title The first and last paragraph of the chapter The headings Any words set in bold type or repeated Any boxed material Any photos, charts, or pictures and their captions The list of objectives and any review questions

“C” Plan :“C” Plan Stop and think about what you learned in your preview. Make a list that includes what you learned from boldface words, headings, photos, captions, and first and last paragraphs.

You might also try Outlining!! : You might also try Outlining!! Title of Outline I. Main Topic A. Sublevel 1. Topic a. What you learned b. B. II.

During Reading: During Reading You have your purpose you have a strategy now you need to go back and read this section of the chapter

“D” Read with a Purpose: “D” Read with a Purpose Now that you have previewed the headings, you can create an effective headline. Start your outline with the headings Go back and fill in the sublevels now you give it a try! Just make a quick sketch, don’t spend a lot of time. Biology Textbook

Your outline could look like this: Your outline could look like this: Introduction: The Nature of Science and Biology I. Biology A. Biology: The Science of Our Lives 1. “The Study of Life”, 2. B. Science and the Scientific Method 1. Objective, logical, and repeatable attempt to understand the principles and forces operating in the natural universe 2. II. Evolution A. Development of the Theory of Evolution 1. 2. B. Modern View of the Age of the Earth 1. 2. (Be sure to leave space in your outline for additions)

“E” Connect: “E” Connect Try to find connections between your life and what you are reading. This will help you remember.

After Reading: After Reading As soon as you finish the chapter, sit back and try to recall what you have learned. Use the headings in your Outline to help you.

“F” Pause and Reflect :“F” Pause and Reflect Do you understand what you have read? I’ll bet your answer is “no”. This is to be expected! Before you continue, answer these questions: Did I accomplish the reading purpose I set in the beginning? Do I know what the main topics in the chapter are? Do I understand how the material is organized? Would I feel comfortable taking a test on this material now?

“G” Reread :“G” Reread To remember everything you have read may be as simple as reviewing your outline. For some, it may be beneficial to reread the chapter. If you need more assistance, ask the teacher to clarify questions you may have. Make study cards, this may help you remember key parts of the chapter

“H” Other: “H” Other You may find creating a practice test will help you remember what you have read.

References: References Burke, Jim. Readers Handbook: a student guide for reading and learning. Wilmington: Houghton Mifflin, p. 88-99.